What Stress Can a Family Have With a Child With Disabilites


Parents of children with intellectual disability (ID) tend to study college-than-boilerplate rates of stress, anxiety and low. Chronic psychological distress may place parents at increased run a risk of marital disruption, family dysfunction, and for a number of concrete and mental health weather condition. The prevailing approach in the literature starts from the premise that (the care needs of) the kid with ID is the stressor and, in doing so, equates resilience with the successful adaptation of families to caring for a kid with ID. This approach naturally leads to proposals for special services aimed at modifying or reforming the individual child, caregiver and/or family unit. In this paper, we highlight some of the limitations of a inquiry programme that frames the trouble as family adaptation to caring for a kid with ID. We debate for expanding the enquiry calendar to consider the adaptation of families caring for children with ID through greater understanding of the social-ecological constraints on families and the resources needed to meet the 'normal', everyday adaptive challenges they face.


At that place is an extensive literature on family adjustment and accommodation to caring for a child with intellectual disability (ID). The dominant arroyo to research in this field starts out from the assumption that (the care needs or daily hassles associated with caring for) the child with ID is a 'stressor', defined every bit a threat, challenge or demand that taxes or exceeds an individual's capacity to adapt [1]. Researchers and so focus on stress and coping processes and what are normally presumed to be outcomes for parents and other family members, including psychological distress and family dysfunction. This research has had a number of positive impacts. It has, for instance, helped justify services such as in-home assist, psycho-educational programmes for parents and respite intendance. In this newspaper, some of the key letters from this inquiry are reviewed. The main purpose of this newspaper, however, is to highlight some of the limitations of a research program that frames 'the problem' as family adaptation to caring for a kid with ID. Nosotros contend that the research calendar must expand to accelerate understanding of the adaption of families caring for children with ID. Underpinning this statement is the basic premise that parents of children with ID confront the same primal adaptive claiming every bit families with not-disabled children: they are families beginning. Similar other parents, they have to weave together varied family interests and activities into a sustainable daily routine, i.e., a routine that satisfactorily answers the question: How are we to reconcile what we desire for our children, ourselves and our family unit with what is possible given our circumstances?


Numerous studies have constitute college than 'population normal' rates of psychological distress amongst mothers and, less consistently, fathers of children with ID. Recent population-based studies and systematic reviews confirm that mothers of pre-adult children with ID are two to three times more likely than mothers of typically developing children to study clinically significant levels of stress, anxiety and depression [2, iii, 4•, v]. Parents of adult children with ID may enjoy meliorate mental wellness [six, seven, viii••]. However, there is some albeit express evidence that mothers of adult children with ID are at increased gamble for concrete health conditions that are etiologically associated with chronic stress, such as obesity, cardiovascular illness, auto-immune diseases and gastro-intestinal disorders [8••, 9, x••, 11]. Chronic stress may too underlie the (marginally) increased chance for families of children with ID of marital disruption and family dysfunction (eastward.g., depression cohesion, emotional withdrawal, relationship disharmonize and child maltreatment) [12–18]. Selected recent study findings are summarised in Tabular array 1.

Table 1 Selected comparing studies, 2010–2015

Full size table

Over the terminal two decades, researchers have opened the 'black box', Footnote 1 that is, to consider mechanisms or mediators that might explicate the association betwixt child ID and what are presumed to be negative psychological impacts or outcomes. A fundamental enquiry finding is that (a) children with ID are more than likely to exhibit internalising and externalising behaviour bug in comparison with typically developing children, and (b) in the absenteeism of significant child behaviour problems, parents of children with ID practice not, on average, report heightened levels of distress [4•, 16, 27, 28]. Furthermore, several prospective studies have plant that kid behaviour problems predict later parent stress, and this may mediate the relationship between child behaviour problems and family dysfunction [29–33]. Baker et al. [13], for case, found that the behaviour problems of children with Delicate X had an indirect upshot on family cohesion and marital satisfaction by manner of maternal internalising symptoms. Of course, this body of research does not actually explain why certain behaviours are problematic or stressors for parents and families. Footnote ii Moreover, parent distress may be the antecedent rather than the event of child behaviour problems: Loftier parent distress is associated with less optimal parenting and more negative parent-child interaction which, in turn, predicts kid behaviour problems. Even so, the human relationship between child behaviour problems and parent distress is generally considered transactional [29, 31, 33, 34].

When children with ID (or the behaviour problems they exhibit) are conceptualised as stressors, the inclination to interpret parental distress and family unit dysfunction every bit stress reactions or negative impacts may exist irresistible, however the vast majority of studies in the field are correlational, and plausible alternative explanations accept non been ruled out. First, information technology is possible that the association between child ID and parent psychological distress is the result of psychological distress increasing the risk of ID in children. In that location is compelling evidence that poor parental mental health can take an impact on the cognitive evolution of children, for case, by style of unresponsive care (low investment) or negative parent-kid interactions [35–37]. Second, the association between kid ID and parent psychological distress may be explained by a third (confounding) variable. Socioeconomic disadvantage, for example, is causally related to (mild) ID and parental mental health, likewise as child behaviour problems and family unit dysfunction [23, 38••, 39–41]. The higher-than-population normal levels of psychological distress found amongst families of children with ID might therefore be attributable to pre-existing socioeconomic disadvantage (the distal cause), rather than child ID per se. Notably, a serial of population-based studies over the terminal decade have plant that the increased take chances of parental psychological distress associated with kid disability is markedly attenuated when socioeconomic disadvantage is adequately taken into account [42–44]. Emerson et al. [38••], for example, conducted a secondary assay of the Millennium Cohort Study in the UK and constitute that after matching on socioeconomic variables, likely psychiatric disorder was no more likely to exist found amongst fathers of children with early cognitive delay, and the strength of this association for mothers was substantially macerated.

Another possibility is that the higher-than-normal levels of distress and dysfunction found among families of children with ID are the product of disablism, rather than any characteristic of the child. Researchers and parents themselves take challenged the (normally) tacit assumption that having a child with ID is inherently, essentially or inevitably negative [45–48]. Some researchers accept focused attention on the harmful consequences of culturally ubiquitous prejudices: Disability is generally causeless to be aberrant, tragic and pitiable [49–52]. Such cultural beliefs reify parent grief and parent efforts to normalise their child, oftentimes at cracking personal price [53–56]. Farther, owing to such beliefs, parents may feel the sting of social stigma attached to disability and endure the hurt of social exclusion [57, 58•, 59, 60]. Other researchers have focused attention on socioeconomic deprivations. For example, the opportunity for parents of children with ID to participate in the workforce and generate income is limited past inflexible employment conditions (east.thousand., inflexible work hours) and unequal access to childcare resource [7, 61–63]. Formal and informal childcare are recognised as essential for many parents (with or without a disabled child)—enabling them to juggle piece of work and family demands—but inclusive childcare settings are in brusk supply [64, 65]. Such inequitable access to resources may explain, at least in part, why four out of 10 parent carers in Canada report reducing their work hours and why one in v have quit work altogether [66]. In plough, reduced workforce participation may explain, at least in part, why families of children with ID are more likely to be exposed to agin socioeconomic conditions [62, 67].

Out-of-the-ordinary fourth dimension demands may further stack the odds confronting families of children with ID. Time-utilise studies accept found that parents of children with disabilities devote considerably more time than parents of typically developing children to ordinary childcare tasks [68]. In improver, parents may invest considerable fourth dimension and energy in the challenging procedure of accessing and navigating supports: Service discontinuity places a strain on families of children with disabilities [55, 69, 70], and so there is the expectation that parents will invest considerable time, energy and financial resources in the amelioration of their child'southward impairment (e.g., keeping appointments with professionals, implementing home programmes then on). In a recent study, McConnell et al. [54] investigated the relationship between parent-mediated intervention for children with disabilities and family well-being. The study found that parents cut dorsum on employment-related activities, personal leisure and family unit time in order to create a slot in the daily routine for the implementation of prescribed therapeutic activities. The number of cutbacks (i.e. level of parent cede) was found to exist positively associated with time spent implementing prescribed therapeutic activities, but negatively associated with family well-beingness. Notably, the observed consequence of parent cutbacks on family well-existence was larger than the observed effect of child characteristics, including adaptive behaviour deficits. The investigators conclude that rehabilitation professionals must weigh upwardly the pros and cons of parent-mediated intervention and await to enfolding therapeutic activities for children with disabilities into the everyday family routine.

Locating the problem in contemporary social arrangements—rather than the kid—leads to the conclusion that interventions to build resilience in families of children with ID, with the goal of helping them trounce the odds, are insufficient. What's required is intervention at a higher level: sociopolitical action and policy reform to change the odds for families of children with ID.


A bespeak of consensus amongst researchers in the field is that families of children with ID face adversity, or in the very to the lowest degree, meaning, out-of-the-ordinary adaptive challenges. Another point of consensus is that while many may struggle, most families of children with ID fare well. Although researchers have consistently found higher-than-usual rates of psychological distress amid parents of children with ID, the accented take chances of psychiatric disorder may not be equally large every bit many might recall. The majority of parents caring for a child with ID are non depressed [five, 7, 71]. Furthermore, well-nigh families of children with ID study positive impacts. McConnell et al. [72•] recently surveyed a robust sample of primary parent carers of pre-adult children with disabilities in Alberta, Canada, and found that two thirds agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: "Overall, having a kid with disabilities has been positive for our family". More than four out of v parents in the study reported benefits including but not limited to perspective transformation (e.thou., "Nosotros have learned what is actually of import in life") and the strengthening of family relationships (e.grand., "Our family has emerged stronger"). From a stress and coping theory perspective, such parent-reported benefits may be conceptualised as 'positive illusions' which help fuel parent efforts at coping. However, the current evidence suggests that parent-reported benefits are meliorate viewed as veridical (i.e. corresponding to fact) accounts of positive touch on and transformation [47, 48, 72•, 73].

Given the challenges and hardships faced by families of children with ID, those who fare well, in whatever way this is operationally defined, might be described equally resilient. Merely how much adversity a family must face before successful adaptation tin exist regarded as a sit-in of resilience is however a topic of debate [74]. Patterson [74] suggests that families demonstrate resilience when, despite adversity, they are competent in performing (one or more than of) four core family functions including membership and family formation; economic support; nurturance, didactics and socialisation; and protection of vulnerable members. Ecocultural theory suggests that a sustainable daily routine may be the sine qua non of resilience [75, 76]. A sustainable daily routine is viable (i.due east. fitted to the local ecology and family resource base) and congruent with the family's values and goals and with the needs, interests and competencies of family unit members [77, 78]. In most studies, however, information technology seems resilience among parents and families of children with ID is implicitly defined as the absence of psychological distress or family dysfunction.

The study of resilience is the search for an explanation of why information technology is that some families overcome adversity when others, faced with the aforementioned or a like gear up of circumstances, buckle. In the family and disability field, this search has, for the most part, been enabled and constrained past psychological models of stress and coping. Past starting out from the premise that (the care needs of) the child with ID is a stressor, studies informed by stress and coping theory equate resilience with the successful adaptation of families to caring for a kid with ID. Although stress and coping theory is ostensibly transactional (outcomes are the product of continuous interaction over time between intrinsic and extrinsic factors), the bulk of this research has focused on intrinsic factors [east.g., 28, 61, 79–81]. This is consistent with McCubbin and McCubbin's [82] early definition of the study of resilience every bit the search for "…characteristics, dimensions, and properties of families which help families to be resistant to disruption in the face of change and adaptive in the confront of crisis situations" (p. 247). A number of studies have looked at the stress-buffering office of social support. However, as Emerson et al. [38••] discover, "…aspects of social context have often been relegated to the status of groundwork noise" (p. 31).

This literature on the resilience of families caring for a kid with ID has been reviewed by Grant et al. [79] and about recently by Peer and Hillman [83]. Grant et al. [79] identify 3 cadre resilience processes. These are the search for meaning (in which cognitive coping is key), maintaining a sense of control (i.e. managing difficult situations as an adjunct to making sense of them) and maintaining valued social identities (e.thou., effectively combining care-giving with employment and other group memberships). Peer and Hillman [83] reviewed qualitative and quantitative articles written in English and published betwixt 1986 and 2012 and identified three empirically supported resilience factors: dispositional optimism, problem-focused coping (including 'positive reappraisal') and social support. Dispositional optimism is the trend to wait for the positive and wait positive outcomes when confronting problems in life. Problem-focused coping involves altering internal or external situational demands and (planful) problem-solving to preclude a stressful situation from recurring. This form of coping may be juxtaposed with emotion-focused/ escape-avoidancecoping strategies. The third gene, social support, may be enacted or perceived and formal or breezy. The evidence suggests that it is the perception of social support from informal sources (and the feeling of belonging) that may be most uplifting [24, 25, 84–86]. An unresolved question is whether social support is a moderating factor (stress-buffer) and/or acts more directly on parent and family unit well-beingness.

A potential concern is that (i) by framing the problem as ane of family accommodation to caring for a child with ID and (2) by treating the social and ecological context in which families live as a background given, research on the resilience of families caring for a child with ID has certain predictable outcomes. To some extent, the sorts of bug that are identified and, in plow, the sorts of solutions that are proposed are pre-determined. Specifically, psychological models of stress and coping quite naturally lead to proposals for 'special services' aimed at modifying or reforming the individual kid, caregiver and/or family. Less consideration may be given to social-ecological constraints and resources that families of children with ID may need in order to meet the normal, everyday adaptive challenges they face. As discussed above, families of children with ID no doubt need, simply have unequal access to the kinds of resources that all (or most) families need in society to successfully juggle work and family demands, such every bit meaningful and flexible employment and affordable childcare options.

Intervention studies offering a potentially powerful means of testing ideas near the underlying mechanisms or 'causes' of psychological distress and dysfunction among families of children with ID. If, for example, child behaviour bug explicate heightened levels of psychological distress and coping strategies explicate or contribute to resilience, so interventions that effectively ameliorate behaviour problems and/or equip parents with effective coping strategies should reduce psychological distress and family dysfunction. Singer et al. [87] conducted a meta-analytic review and compared outcomes across iii categories of intervention for parents of children with developmental disabilities: behavioural parent preparation (BPT), cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and multi-component interventions (BPT + CBT). The authors practice non written report on child behaviour change but annotation that "…in every instance there was a meaning improvement in adaptive behavior or decreases in trouble behavior" (p. 363). On measures of parent distress, the average-weighted effect sizes for BFI and CBT interventions were statistically pregnant merely small. A substantially larger boilerplate effect size was found for multi-component interventions. The investigators draw the conclusion that there are established bear witness-based interventions for reducing psychological distress "…at to the lowest degree in centre-class mothers in the short term" (p. 357). These findings raise a number of questions including: Do risk and resilience factors vary depending on socioeconomic position? Peradventure, families who are exposed to socioeconomic arduousness crave dissimilar or additional supports.

Ecocultural theory offers an alternative theoretical approach to conceptualising and investigating the resilience of families caring for a child with ID. The theory is non inimical to stress and coping theory. Rather, it encompasses and contextualises stress and coping processes. Ecocultural theorists may argue—along with Ungar [88] and Masten et al. [89], among others—that resilience has more than to practice with the availability and accessibility of culturally relevant resource than with individual or intrinsic factors: If reasonably good (social and economical) resource are present, and then outcomes are likely to be expert. A central tenet of ecocultural theory is that all families everywhere face the same central adaptive claiming. That is, sustaining a meaningful daily routine. The theory therefore lends itself to the written report of the adaptation of families caring for a child with ID, although researchers have applied ecocultural theory to the study of family adaptation to caring for a kid with ID [76]. The process of sustaining a daily routine involves fitting the routine to the local ecology and family resource base. Resources fit, when family unit resources roughly friction match and support the activities the family weaves into a daily routine, is a necessary simply bereft condition for sustainability. In addition, parents endeavour to organise their daily routine in a personally meaningful and socially respectable way. This involves fitting the daily routine to the family's values and goals and finer juggling the varied and inevitably competing needs and interests of family members. Ecocultural theory posits that a daily routine that holds little meaning and/or revolves around the needs of whatever one family unit member is a less sustainable daily routine [76, 78, 90].

Ecocultural theory was recently applied in a multi-method study to identify predictors of resilience among families caring for children with disabilities [91]. Resilience was operationally defined as family life congruence (i.eastward. the extent to which the daily routine was congruent with the family's values and goals and the needs and interests of family unit members). A stratified random sample of 538 families caring for children with disabilities in Alberta, Canada, took part. The bulk of research subjects were mothers, and nigh were caring for a child with ID and/or an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The first finding of this study was that family life congruence was a stronger predictor of family propensity to place their disabled child out of home (e.thou., in state care) than a widely used mensurate of family functioning. A 2nd finding, which is consistent with previous research, was that parents of children with ASD, on boilerplate, reported the lowest level of family life congruence. A 3rd finding, also consistent with previous research, was that controlling for the number and intensity of child behaviour problems [measured using the Developmental Beliefs Checklist; 92] reduced the force of the association betwixt impairment blazon (diagnosis) and family life congruence to non-significance. The chief hypothesis of the written report, however, was that families caring for disabled children exhibiting behaviour bug 'do well' (i.e. demonstrating resilience) nether conditions of loftier social support and low financial hardship. This hypothesis was well supported: Families with high levels of social support and low levels of fiscal hardship typically enjoyed average or above average family life congruence fifty-fifty when the number and intensity of child behaviour problems were high. While one in three families caring for a disabled child exhibiting behaviour problems reported above boilerplate family life congruence, fewer than one in 100 did then in the absenteeism of high social back up and low financial hardship. The report also found that families who experienced low levels of social support and high levels of financial hardship commonly struggled, even when the number and intensity of child behaviour issues were depression. The authors conclude that in that location is a need to broaden the research and policy calendar: A balanced agenda will accost the social and ecological determinants of resilience, along with intrinsic factors.

At that place is a paucity of research evaluating interventions targeting social-ecological factors associated with psychological distress and dysfunction amongst families of children with intellectual or other disabilities. Peer support (parent-to-parent) interventions have perhaps received the most research attention to date. Shilling et al. [93•] have conducted 1 contempo systematic review of this literature. A Cochrane review is besides proposed [94]. Shilling et al. report that the results of qualitative and quantitative evaluations of peer back up interventions confirm that these can have a positive outcome on the psychological wellness of caregivers, although the findings are non entirely consistent. Based on a synthesis of qualitative findings from ten studies, Shilling et al. identify four themes related to benefits. The most mutual benefit identified was 'finding a shared social identity with other parents'. In a grouping with experientially similar others, parents found understanding and acceptance, which reduced their sense of isolation and enabled them to feel better able to cope. The second do good identified was 'learning from the experience of others'. Peer support interventions tin can facilitate the commutation of useful, practical information, and parents acquire from the feel of other parents. The third theme related to benefit is 'personal growth'. Parents written report having gained forcefulness through peer back up: They were more than accepting of themselves and felt more confident and in control. The fourth benefit is 'the opportunity to support others'. In several studies, parents reported that the opportunity to share their experience and support others validated their expertise as parent carers, giving them an increased sense of self-worth. Shilling et al. suggest that in that location is a need for more robust evaluations to enable parents and service providers to make informed decisions near the potential benefits and costs of peer back up 'services'. To this, we would add together that there is an urgent need for research evaluating interventions that focus on equalising economic opportunity for families of children with ID including, for example, flexible work and inclusive childcare policies.


In summary, caring for a child with ID is associated with an increased risk of psychological distress amongst parents and family dysfunction. Despite the proliferation of studies investigating what are usually presumed to be negative impacts of caring for a child with ID, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Some researchers have investigated the potentially mediating role of child characteristics. These studies have produced evidence consistent with the thesis that child behaviour problems explain the higher-than-population normal rates of psychological distress and dysfunction found amid families caring for a kid with ID. The implication is that strategies to better the behaviour problems exhibited past children with ID may close the well-being gap. The study of family accommodation to caring for a child with ID further suggests that parents may benefit from interventions such as behavioural parent training and cognitive behaviour therapy, which can equip them with effective coping strategies, including skills in positive reappraisal and solution-finding. Such strategies may assist families 'beat the odds'.

In this paper, nosotros take argued in favour of expanding the research agenda to consider the adaptation of families, and not but family accommodation to caring for a child with ID. Ecocultural theory, with its focus on the universal adaptive challenge (i.e. sustaining a meaningful daily routine), may be useful in this regard. Such an orientation may help researchers and policymakers avoid the pitfalls of a research approach that builds on the dubious assumption that having a kid with ID is a threat. Such pitfalls include the fundamental attribution error, which is the tendency to overestimate the bear upon of individual-intrinsic factors, and underestimate the influence of situational-contextual factors on behaviours or outcomes. This programme of inquiry would give equal attention to intrinsic family factors and disabling social weather. Our ain position is that there is nothing natural or inevitable about the heightened levels of psychological distress and dysfunction found amongst families of children with ID: These are the result of institutionalised patterns of social value (devaluing persons with disability) and contemporary social arrangements that practice not take the needs, interests and circumstances of these families into account. To close the well-being gap, we recollect that sociopolitical activity and policy reform aimed at changing the odds, that is past equalising opportunities for families of children with ID to sustain a meaningful daily routine, are equally vital, if not more than then, than interventions designed to assistance these families vanquish the odds.


  1. 'Black box epidemiology' is a derogatory characterization given to the unproblematic identification of exposure-affliction relationships [26]

  2. Behavior problems may demand a higher degree of vigilance on the part of parents (which may exhaust cocky-regulatory resources) and are a potential threat to a family's social respectability and inclusion.


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McConnell, D., Savage, A. Stress and Resilience Among Families Caring for Children with Intellectual Disability: Expanding the Research Agenda. Curr Dev Disord Rep 2, 100–109 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40474-015-0040-z

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  • DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s40474-015-0040-z


  • Intellectual disability
  • Stress
  • Resilience
  • Ecocultural theory
  • Family life


Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40474-015-0040-z

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